

We offer a range of services, practical aids, information and consultative advice for garden retail marketing.


Marketing Plans

Successful garden retailing requires a comprehensive strategic marketing plan. All the elements of marketing are discussed and brought together in a plan after considering the local and regional circumstances, and alternative strategies. Elements include:

  • Signage
  • Service
  • Advertising
  • Price
  • Presentation
  • Promotion
  • Premises
  • Branding
  • Product


Case studies show that signage is a powerful and significant tool for maximising sales. A totally integrated system of signage involving branding, category, sub category, product and promotion signs is required for best results. Garden Retail Success are leaders in developing signage that gives results.

The complete Marketing in Garden Retail Manual is supplied on a USB stick

See also:

Marketing Services

Many garden retailers do not have the time or resources to provide the numerous marketing aids that are beneficial in today’s market place. Our range of services and aids include:

  • Data base management
  • Writing and distribution of email garden notes, newsletters, flyers, weekly promotions
  • Loyalty Programme management
  • ‘How To’ brochures (40 titles) personalised to the retail store and individually branded.
  • Product Benefit Point Of Sale Signs – formatted and supplied ready to print or ready to use
  • Promotion Signage
  • Product branding, colour labels and matching signs – promote your own brand not your suppliers.


Ensuring you have a brand which stands out: name, colours and logo. Implementing the brand for maximum effect.


What Picture do Customers have of your Business?

What should be considered to ensure you paint the right picture of your business in your customers minds?
Read more......


External Marketing

Achieving best results from your advertising budget, best use of newspaper, radio, television, flyers and catalogues. Covers the construction and implementation of advertisements



Disappointing Results From Advertising - Why? Read more......

Internal Marketing

This very cost effective form of marketing, involves using the tools / facilities you have and the customers you have to sell more product, and attract more customers. Internal Marketing involves:

  • Product signage
  • Roadside promotion signs
  • Loyalty programmes
  • Database marketing
  • Promotion receipts
  • In-store events and activities

With correct implementation these marketing tools are very cost effective.


A promotion is ‘putting an emphasis on a product, group of products, or service’. Promotions do not necessarily need to be advertised. Our Marketing Manual covers how to plan a full year of promotions, selecting the best products / subjects, and successful implementation of promotions. We also offer tools to help garden retailers plan a full year of promotions and clearance sales.

Implementing Sales - the practical stuff. Read more.......

Marketing Consultation

This service provides advice and information for garden retail marketing. A comprehensive marketing plan is developed which integrates all elements: premises, branding, product, price, presentation, promotion, signage, service, internal marketing, and advertising.

The marketing plan takes into account each clients situation and circumstances.

Developing a comprehensive marketing plan could take from 1 – 3 days depending on the size and scope of the garden centre.


Contact Us to discuss your requirements