External Marketing
Maximising the Effectiveness of Advertising

Good advertising never makes up for a poorly presented, poorly run garden centre. Better to ensure your business will stand up to customer scrutiny before you spend the money. If your style of advertising raises customer expectations but disappoints at the time of their visit; it will be wasted advertising.

Here is a check list to have in place before advertising starts. 

1. Have a clearly defined Marketing Plan which includes

    • Market position
    • Product and services that match your strategy
    • Pricing that is consistent with your strategy

2. Strongly Identify your garden centre, both physically, and in your advertisements. If you don’t, you could be advertising for your competitors.

3. Implement a Layout that ensures all customers see all products to maximise the average sale.

4. Merchandise your products in a manner that is highly visible and appealing to maximise the average sale (see Merchandising Manual)

5. Form close relationships with key suppliers to secure co-operative advertising

    • Advertising subsidy
    • Product discounts
    • Free goods 

6. Remember Brand Leaders are still preferred by a majority of customers, so support those brands when they are being advertised by the supplier, by 

    • Stocking them
    • Displaying prominently
    • Including them in your advertising

7. Support Industry advertising and promotion by stocking relevant product and displaying prominently.

8. Ensure Staff are fully familiar with all aspects of the advertised products, services or activity.

9. Your Advertising must always be consistent with your market position and strategy in content, style, and price.

10. Fully Deliver – exceed all promises you make in advertising – under promise and over deliver.


The Garden Retail Success Marketing Manual includes a section on advertising and is available for purchase online. Read a synopsis of the manual here