Manuals & Modules
Manuals & Modules


A set of eight manuals, some with individual modules, covering all aspects of garden retail.



Business Planning

All the elements plus a step by step process for preparing a business plan including working templates are in this manual.


Financial Management

This manual provides all the information necessary to understand and implement financial management of a garden centre. It includes working templates for budgeting, and monitoring for both EPOS and manual systems.

People Management

Covers recruitment, induction, structures, job descriptions, staff reviews, motivation, time management, staff meetings, and rewards. The focus is on implementation and the manual includes numerous working templates.

Operations Management

This manual covers all areas of operating a garden retail outlet. It is a guide to assist managers to write their own Operations Manual, personalised to their store. The focus is on implementation, hence there are numerous working templates. 

Premises Development

A manual of three modules, providing advice and information for garden retail buildings, structures, paving, car parks, layout and design, fixtures and fittings.

The information given is relative to various situations, and provides for best practice, good option or minimum standard.


A manual of ten modules explaining the principles of merchandising in garden retail, plus a module including numerous illustrating photographs for each product group / category. 

Product Manual

This manual covers the top 200 products of garden retail (separate manual for each country).

Each plant or product is listed by common name and botanical / technical name, plant /product description, uses, requirements, season of availability, suppliers, merchandising, point of sale signage, features and benefits, add on link sales, promotion, and advertising example.

Marketing Manual

Successful garden retailing requires a comprehensive strategic marketing plan. In this manual of five modules, all the elements of marketing are discussed and brought together in a plan after considering the local and regional circumstances, and alternative strategies.

Elements – premises, branding, product, price, presentation, promotion, signage, service, advertising.