Garden Centre Signage

signage.jpgCase studies show signage is a powerful and significant tool for maximising sales.

A totally integrated system of signage involving branding, category, sub category, product and promotion signs is required for best results.

Each type of sign should do its job without fighting with others. They should all be a ‘family’ acting in unison.

Garden Retail Success are leaders in developing signage that achieves results.


Branding Signage

Ensuring you have a brand which stands out: name, colours and logo. Implementing the brand signage for maximum effect.



Category Signs

Large signs for major categories (6 – 10 depending on garden centre size). These signs are partly to direct customers to the area they are looking for, but largely, the purpose is to reinforce the brand colours and create ambience.


Sub-category Signs

Smaller signs at eye level to direct customers to the exact area / bench they are looking for.


Product point of sale signs

These are A2, A3, A4, or A5 depending on the size of the garden centre and the particular requirements. They provide the key information the customer requires at a glance: what will it do for me? Why should I buy it? How much does it cost? This information can be presented in different ways on the sign according to marketing strategy. However one format in particular is proving highly successful.


Promotion Signs

These are usually A2 or A3 and designed to stand out from other signs, but still be consistent / complementary. They are usually short term signs.


Signage Services

We offer a range of signage services.  Want more information?  Click here.


End Use Signs

Customer choice can be made easier if plants are merchandised in collections or groups for a particular purpose or style.

Plants for a style or theme e.g. Mediterranean, Cottage, Country, Formal

Plants for a situation e.g. Coastal, Windy, Hot & Dry, Chalk Soil, Clay Soil

Plants for a colour theme e.g. The White Garden, The Red Garden