1. Check your Employment Agreements. Does every employee have one? Do they comply with your Country’s or State legal requirements; follow ‘best practice’ and provide you with maximum flexibility to manage your company’s relationship with each staff member. An area that can catch employers these days is aspirational provisions. Do you provide your employees with opportunity and training to encourage them to develop to their full potential?
2. What is your Social Media Policy. Which employees have authority to post on the companies Facebook account? Who agrees and vets material? Have you ring-fenced the areas of confidential information that can’t be disclosed? Have you set clear distinctions between company and personal posts? Have you discussed dishonourable content?
3. How will you deal with bullying and inappropriate workplace conduct. Ensure all employees are aware of the standards expected of them in your organisation. Ensure managers know what to do about inappropriate conduct. All managers should know how to address any issues raised and where to seek assistance in resolving complaints. Know where to get specialist help to deal with offenders.
4. What is your Drug & Alcohol policy? If you don’t have one, get help to develop a policy that is practical, meets employment law standards in your country and stands up to scrutiny if challenged. In many countries, the Courts tend to strictly interpret policy to weigh up a balanced decision between human rights and health & safety, especially if random testing is involved.