Store Wide Sales
Planning a Store Wide Sale

Successful store wide sales are achieved through thorough detailed planning and aggressive implementation


Our 10 Point List for planning successful store wide sales:


1. Plan it as a store wide event.

You need traffic to move clearance. A specially orchestrated promotion that has a significant impact on product demand and sales is required

2. Timing is critical. 

Plan when you are going to have them throughout the year. Will you have one at the end of each season - late August/early September to make room for Christmas in the northern hemisphere or to make room for Spring stock at the bottom of the world. After Christmas, March, June or early November?
A clearance event needs to be when people are shopping and / or expect to see sales. Which is the best time for you – after Xmas or end of summer?

3. Set a time limit

Sales create excitement and opportunity. Scheduled sales usually last twelve days - a week plus the Friday & weekend before, and the weekend after. Their duration must be finite to create the sense of urgency and excitement. 

4. Name your sale

Create an event. It presents an opportunity for your store beyond the sale itself and expands your brand awareness. But, don’t make it confusing - customers need to know the nature of the event. 

 5. Focus on your strategy

Determine the best way to structure your offer before rushing into a price-cutting extravaganza. 
Is a reason for your sale to increase turnover substantially for the period?
Is a reason for your sale to clear excess and seasonal stock?
Is a reason for your sale to build your profile and reinforce your market position?

Keep in mind not only what customers buy at your store but also how and why they buy. Create your promotion. 

Markdowns must be significant and well signed. 20 - 25% off product that sells well; 30 -40% off product that is slow, 50% off product that is essential to clear, has had a birthday or is completely off trend.  

6. Make sure you have adequate quantities and assortments of new stock 

Keep the store looking full and fresh. Nothing looks worse and hurts more than a store with only left over remnants. The offer must be credible and worth it in the customers eyes

7. Plan and prepare product lists, discounts, signage and traffic drivers

This crucial to attracting visitors and turning them into happy paying customers. 

8. Promote it.

Develop a written marketing strategy and budget for the event well in advance of the sale date.
Determine steps and a timeline for your promotional activities, in-store signage, bag-stuffers, email promotions, social media blast. Everything must be consistent with your brand (colours/logo). Merchandise aggressively. Have the place dripping with sales signs, banners and bunting 

9. Treat your ‘sales’’ customers

Pamper them just as wonderfully as your regular customers 

10. Have some fun 

Structure the event so that you and your staff have fun and you project that attitude and atmosphere to customers. Lead by example with an attitude of “It’s going to be a long but satisfying day’ - lets enjoy it” People linger longer in a fun environment,

Like any form of promotion, store wide sales will only work well if the customer perception of your garden centre is one that is appealing and of a high standard in the first place.

By planning several short sales or exciting events each year you are giving customers a reason to return to the store on a regular basis.