Under Cover

Exterior cover allows us to showcase the very best of gardening all year in a way that online shopping can never do


There are garden retailers who still question the virtues of covering the outdoor greenlife sales area but they are increasingly in the minority.

However those that have cover don’t always use their investment wisely and therefore don’t fully realise the benefits it could bring to their business.

A light and airy covered area offers so many advantages to the retail arena.  Perhaps the most obvious is to provide all weather shopping for our customers.

There's no doubt people don’t like shopping in extreme temperatures, wet conditions or beating sun and we know sales opportunities are lost if we can't provide ideal conditions. Think of the alternative shopping environments our customers have to choose from – comfortable, clean, well decorated, light, dry shopping malls and precincts.

Anything we can do to provide the same protection and comfort has to work in our favour. Essentially it’s the convenience of a pleasant, ambient, shopping environment all year round, whatever the outside conditions may be.

Exterior cover provides flexibility and versatility in how we use the space year round. It allows for a diverse offer and the ability to maximise sales and profit by using it efficiently. No longer are we confined to hardy outdoor green life. Now we can tempt customers with tender plants, conservatory plants, colour plants & seedlings, edibles, dry goods, “add-ons”, pots and containers

Plus the increased customer activity in the covered sales area means stock turns more quickly; markdowns and wastage are reduced dramatically.  

We have the luxury of creating a great shopping experience and adding value through seasonal linked product displays, inspirational and ‘real situation’ presentation, talks, demonstrations, videos

It allows us to show-case the very best of gardening all year in a way that online shopping can never do. The sensory pleasure of colour, form and perfume. Signage and information to steer customers to the right plants, tools , care and outdoor leisure products. Informative and practical displays.  A team of experts with local knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening to empower customers to create a gorgeous garden of their own

There are advantages to be gained, not just in the overall health and condition of the plants but the mood and energy levels of humans too. Plants are an underestimated tool that can have a profound effect on a retail space’s ability to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

With thought, passion and planning, the result can be a perfect environment for the purposes of shopping and leisure.

It is up to us to create the theatre, select the right offer, hone our displays, assemble information and use space wisely for the purpose of increasing our shopping audience and sales all year round.


- Joy Lamb